Thursday 11 August 2022

Obsession with E-shopping

 Introduction : 

Long back in 1980's, Internet is not much familiar across the world due to which there were no chances of E-shopping. But as years gradually passed by, Due to advancement of science and technology, Internet were wide spread like fire across the world to reach the global masses. Due to the evolution of internet, Globally E-shopping is very much admired and became successful. Though, Few still avoid online shopping, There are many who gets obsessed with E-shopping.

Earlier days shopping procedures :

In 1980's, People tend to purchase any objects or things based on their need by directly going to required shop. For example. To purchase electronic items, We used to go for Electronic shops and shop around for prices and afford the one from any of those electronic shops by bargaining a few if required based on our requirement. Similarly, to purchase garments, we used to go for textile shops and purchase the required clothing.

E-Shopping : -

E-Shopping can also be called as Online shopping. It is a form of electronic commerce allowing consumers to buy goods directly from the seller over the internet using web. It can be either via web browser or a mobile application. In this modern world, Everything is getting digitalized. Hence comes the evolution of E-Shopping in this modern era.

                                                       Though we have many advantages in E-Shopping, There are also few disadvantages. E-shopping offers us a wide range of collections available over the internet which we cannot view / get when we go direct to a shop. We use to go for Shop directly only when we are in need. But in terms of E-shopping, we tend to view online and though it may not be needed, we were influenced to get the one due to exciting offers which was marketed online.

Due to this digital era, Most of us prefer online shopping to direct shopping. As on date, We have several online shopping websites like that of Amazon, Myntra, Flipkart, E-Bay etc....In fact, Most of the big shops too have their own websites to sell their products online.

Wednesday 10 August 2022

Time and Tide waits for none !!!

Time and Tide waits for none !!!

Time is precious. It has its own value which many of us doesn't recognize.No one can stop the time or time can never be stopped. It is like moving tides. Tides can be deflected based on the direction of wind but those tides cannot be stopped. 


60 Seconds make a minute.

60 minutes make an hour

24 hours make a day

31 days make a month

12 months make an year.

10 years make a decade

Thus, Time moves on with the flow.


Every second counts and it could not be turned back. 

Every Second, Minute, Hour, Day, Month and year has its own value which could not recognized by all. But we can ask the value of time based on following scenarios....

For Example, Please refer to the following illustrations...

1) Value of second :

We can ask the one who escapes from a major accident in a fraction of second. They knows the value of second.

2) Value of Minute :

We can ask the one who misses the train by a minute since they assume it wont come at right time regularly.

3) Value of an hour :

We can ask the one who waits for his partner / lover for an hour to have a meeting and word with each other on a privacy terms.

4) Value of day :

We can ask the parents who were eagerly waiting for their baby to arrive on earth since doctor specified the delivery date prior.

5) Value of Month :

We can ask the lady who is waiting for months to get conceive after marriage as she keeps on counting months.


Thus, In short we can say Every second counts and time once finished wont return back. For Eg, An Adult cannot go back to school after certain age in reality. We can only cherish old memories and move on but could not get back those olden days. Since the time is precious, Make sure not to waste the time and use it with purpose.

Wednesday 11 March 2020


Introduction : -

Corona viruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). A novel coronavirus (nCoV) is a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans.  

CORONA - COVID 19 Virus :-

Coronaviruses are zoonotic, meaning they are transmitted between animals and people.  Detailed investigations found that SARS-CoV was transmitted from civet cats to humans and MERS-CoV from dromedary camels to humans. Several known coronaviruses are circulating in animals that have not yet infected humans. 

Symptoms :-

Common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death. 

Precautions :-

Standard recommendations to prevent infection spread include regular hand washing, covering mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, thoroughly cooking meat and eggs. 

Safety measures :-

Avoid close contact with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness such as coughing and sneezing.

As of March 11th of 2020 , 54 people were tested positive for Covid - 19 in India. It is highly contagious and can spread in no time to masses.

How to protect oneself :-

It's highly tough to predict the one who gets infected with Covid 19. So , one must take necessary precautions to   protect oneself from getting infected..

Precautions :-

1) Avoid handshakes with others though it's necessary..

2) Frequent handwash with soap and water for about 20 seconds or use 60 % alcohol based sanitizers to kill the germs.

3) Avoid touching your face , Nose and rubbing your eyes.

4) If one catches cold , it's better to wear the surgical masks in order to prevent the spread of infection to others.

5) If one tests positive , It's better to get himself isolate for quite a few days until he recovers completely.

Instructions to public : -

Avoid travelling to Covid infected countries and in most crowded public places for quite a few days as we could not identify the infected people from masses.

Prevention is better than cure. One doesn't know how quick they gets infected unless they take required precautions. Stay safe , Live healthy...

Saturday 2 July 2016

Real incident - Attitude of a young girl

This was a real incident which took place in my life 5 months ago when i was at Central Railway station. Generally , No one cares about traffic rules while crossing the signals at Central as everyone were busy on their own terms. In fact , I don't like to neglect traffic rules and hence i always wait till my turn is on though i have an emergency work.

On the way to office , When i was in train i saw a girl who sits beside me in first class compartment. She is a stranger to me and vice-versa. Once reached Central , We were about to catch the bus and on the way before central subway , there was a small campaign conducted by Traffic Inspector Department that we (Pedestrains) have to sign the petition stating that we will follow Traffic rules and would not disobey traffic rules.

As I come across such campaign board displayed by Traffic department , I went to read what was written in the board and then signed after reading the message. Before me was the same girl (whom i introduced as the one sitting beside me in train) who also signed the petition after reading the message which was given in the board.

After signed , She was just crossing the road when the signal is on the other side. Truly speaking , She has to wait until she is given a go when the signal is on to cross. But she neglects traffic rules which was signed by her just a moment back in a campaign board

My intention to that girl is that if you are not able to follow traffic rules , What the .... have you signed a petition wherein stated as we will obey traffic rules. Since i was waiting for signal , I could not catch that girl. Else i think , I would have asked her in person about her careless attitude and make her realise the mistake which she committed

My sincere advice to all those who cross the roads. Though you are not using the given subways , Please atleast follow certain traffic rules and do not violate traffic laws at any cost. Also those who cross the roads by vehicles too should follow same rules so that we can have good road systems which avoids unwanted accidents..

Follow rules , Do not violate traffic laws. Be cautious and have a safe journey

Saturday 11 June 2016

Honeymoon trip @ Kerala !!!

Honeymoon is one of the best experiences in almost everyone's life.. It is not an exception to me as well as we had pleasant memories together as a couple. I got married on 28th of October , 2012 and my close pal Govardhanan whom i fondly call as Gova on 12th of December , 2012 and another mate Hari babu on November , Same year. Myself,Gova and Hari were school friends with whom i have contacts even now.. During 2012 , Gova and Hari were staying at Dubai and so they were too close while i was staying in Chennai here along with my parents.

Personally , I was fond of Kerala as i pre-planned to go there for my honeymoon.. Since i was new to Kerala.. I thought to have a companion who can make fond memories.. So i chose Gova and Hari.. But Hari has pre-planned to go North India for his honeymoon so he got missed in which i asked Gova whether he could accompany for which he readily agreed and so we planned well in advance.

Gova is the one who took care of all the arrangements online including train tickets,hotel room booking and boathouse arrangements etc. He was in touch with Mr.Jothis who has arranged car for us to travel inside outs from Kerala (Alleppey -Thekkady-Munnar). Since Gova's marriage is on 12th Dec and so he needs some 3 or 4 days as he has to go to his wife's place back and forth , We booked our trains for 17th December and had a plan to return to Chennai back by 22nd.

We booked Bokaro Alleppey which is scheduled to start around 850 PM from Chennai Central in which we could have probably missed the train by an inch as my wife got delayed in making herself ready to start from our place Annanur. However we got into different coach initially as train started moving from Chennai central when we caught the train. Later , we were seated in our own booked compartments once everything settled between us. It was Gova who really helped us with our luggage in bringing them to right compartments after he arranged berths for themselves.

By morning 9 Am , We have reached Alleppey which is our destination. As soon as we reach the Alleppey railway station , We looked damn tired as it was a long journey 

At train before reaching Alleppey

After reached Alleppey Railway Station
Our cab driver reached well in advance before we reached the destination. So , As soon as we reached railway station , Car driver took us to Alleppey beach which was nearby. Beach has a good breeze and nice view to have more fun and to our surprise , We rode on Camels here at this beach and had few rounds as well

At Alleppey beach
Personally , I do like to ride on horses and i could not get any chance to do so in Chennai beach. However , I made sure that being a couple i should make it here possible as we both enjoyed riding on Camels for first time in our lives.

Over camel @ Alleppey beach
After some fun @ beach in morning , We had our breakfast and then were taken to boat house which was an unforgettable journey.

Myself and my wife @ Boathouse

Everyone thinks of boathouse when they say Kerala as it is a pleasant journey to travel in a boat where we can get everything including lunch,Dinner and Breakfast etc that too non vegetarian foods as well. Since we have booked in advance , We had non vegetarian foods ready as soon as we reached boat. Being a couple , We were given some flower garland in a boat to exchange between us. 

Exchange of Flower garlands

We had a pleasant time in boat where we could travel in a water. It is almost like our home where we have some rooms inside but the difference is that it moves since it is a boat which travels in water for a certain distance to enjoy sceneric beauties and also reminded us of Kerala backwaters wherein Individual houses were situated and located too nearby wondering us how they would travel daily to get basic needs to fulfil their lives

View from backwaters

Outside peek inside boat

It was just one night where we stayed in boathouse after which we were picked by cab driver to reach Thekkady.

On the way to thekkady , We saw tea plantation which was good to watch out for...

Tea plantation - Kerala

Tea plantation - Kerala
After spent sometime watching tea plantation , We went to Elephant Junction , thekkady. Here also , We heard of some boat travelling wherein we could see few animals while travelling... But we are unfortunate to missout that view since its ticket is beyond our budget, Hence we have to sacrifice Water safari. However we decided to spend some quality time at Elephant Junction

Elephant Junction , Thekkady
Here at Thekkady , It was very cold and in that cold , We have experienced Elephant ride first time in our life which brings a mixture of joy and thrill. We had a ride in forest about 1 km where Elephant trainer was nearby for our safety 

Touching Elephant after our ride

Elephant ride
Next place to visit is Spice plantation which is at thekkady and its on the way to hilly region Munnar. In Spice plantation , We visit several plants and spices which are not known and its good to watch out for those who were interested to learn about plants and trees etc..


Small plants


Spice plantation - Kerala -
After Alleppey and Thekkady , We went to Munnar and on the way , We saw breathtaking views of Munnar tea estate and hilly regions which was mind blowing

Tea Estate - Munnar

Tea Estate - Munnar
On the way , There is a place called as Photopoint where several visitors were fondly taking photographs of some breathtaking sceneries

Myself and wife @ Photopoint


Breathtaking view - Munnar
Cool breeze

Cool sceneric view from Photopoint

Breathtaking view

Another view from Photopoint

Once we reached Munnar , We went to Rose gardens wherein we saw the place fully covered of colourful flowers and gardens which was really surprising. Here we could see rare species of flowers as well

Next to Rose Gardens is Echo Point wherein we had a speed boat ride as couple with our Seat belts tied due to security reasons

Me and my wife @ Echo Point

Scenery at background -  Echo Point

Enjoying climate @ Munnar which is amazing

Anaimudi view - Eravikulam National Park

Beautiful scenery
After visiting few places @ Munnar , We stayed at hotel room for a night and then in next day morning , We were about to leave back to Chennai...
Actually , We planned to go to Kodaikanal from Munnar but as Gova need to return early , our plan got cancelled and so we returned chennai a day earlier 

Hence a memorable honeymoon @ Kerala which is one of the sweetest moment in my life. 

Hope you like my personal experience which i shared over internet here..